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Key Lime-Avocado Mousse Recipe


Toddler boss and I were hanging out at Whole Foods during sample time (our favorite time of day) and we came across a lady peddling this key lime-avocado mousse thing, claiming that it tasted just like key lime pie (my fave).  Ummm...ok, if you say so.  

I reluctantly gave it a try subbing the honey for agave nectar and it turns out that she was right.  Who knew?!  It was soooo good and the best thing about this yummy treat is that it's so good for you too. Packed with good fats, antioxidants and almost 20 different vitamins and minerals, avocados are some of the best things that you can feed your bambini and this is one more easy way to serve them.

RECOMMENDED AGES:  12+ months due to the limes and strawberries (if desired).  Otherwise, avocados are okay starting at 4-6 months and the vanilla extract and agave are okay after 9 months.

SUGGESTED PAIRING: Try this out with your little one decked out in the Burpa Bib in Polka Party or Lime Time!

PREP TIME: 5 minutes

CHILL TIME: 30 minutes

SERVINGS:  4-6, depending on how many tiny tummies you're feeding


2 fresh avocados 

3 limes

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/4 cup agave nectar 


1.  Pit avocados and place into a food processor or blender.

2.  Squeeze the lime juice directly into the food processor/blender.

3.  Add vanilla extract and agave nectar.

4.  Process/blend until smooth and creamy.

5.  Refrigerate at least 30 minutes.

6.  Serve cold in cute little shooter cups and garnish with strawberries, if desired.  

Copyright 2014, Chow Baby! a delicious division of BambiniWare, LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Riche Holmes GrantHey Haute Mamas! I'm Riche Holmes Grant, a modern mom + mompreneur who designs smart + stylish products that make your mommy gig easier. 

When I'm not busy taking orders from my #miniboss, I'm contributing to or in the kitchen whipping up delicious family-friendly creations in my BambiniWare Apronini.

Get my FREE book on How to Make the Best Food for Your Baby here!

I live in the Washington, DC area with my husband and daughter. Follow our adventures on Instagram via @BambiniWareLife!



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  • Riche Holmes Grant
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